Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why is Why Beautiful?

Asking questions is one of the most beautiful traits about women, especially those who have the confidence to simply just ask. Questions can only lead up to trouble if they are acted upon in such ways. Many times I have seen throughout the peers in my academic, professional, and Christian life whom all have had questions at one time or another but were too scared to ask in fear of sounding stupid, incompetent, or holding the rest of the group back from progressing (I too struggle with this). 

There is a confidence that is trapped within each of our bodies that prevents us from speaking up and being inquisitive, saying what is on our mind, and simply allowing our curiosity to explore and play for awhile. There is nothing healthier than to allow your mind to wander instead of relying on safety nets that are often told through stories, rules, and expectancy in our social life. God gave humans free will and thanks to Adam and Eve we are all wired to understand the difference between good and evil; that means that we are capable of knowing when our thought process is encouraging us to act upon it in an immoral or unjust way. 

There is no danger in asking questions, the danger is not. Asking questions is how we learn and a woman or man for that matter willing to learn and ask questions, especially when they are seeking to learn and understand, is one of the most beautiful traits of humanity. It is my hope and prayer that we can all have the confidence to simply just ask questions, wonder, and not be ashamed of not knowing something. 

Throughout my own journey, I have learned that there is far too much about the world I have no clue about but yet it is all accessible, all one must do is simply just ask or inquire and there are answers, theories, and thoughts that will help broaden their mind, intelligence, and understanding of the world. 

A person who views life in the full spectrum could never be anything less than beautiful.

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