Thursday, August 14, 2014

Stringing Words is a Beautiful Thing.

"If you can string words together into a sentence, and you're brave enough to let someone else read it, that is beautiful."

When I think of stringing words together I think of run on sentences, texting or messaging someone without a break but just getting out what's on your mind and hitting the send button even if you have to explain it thoroughly later. In our recent culture that continues to grow, the art of writing correctly has became adrift and almost nonexistent when it comes to how we communicate with our peers over social media. I believe that I am the queen of stringing words together and not always is it over text or a screen. I have the tendency to beat around the bush when I want to get to the point of something and there are some circumstances where I quite frankly don't know how to. For starters sometimes it's scary to simply just attack something and get to the point of it, others there are times when I must find a way to make my point based on the imagery, metaphorical, and circumstance that is occurring with my own mind or the reader of which was the recipient of the statement.

It is okay to have communication flaws just as long as one never ceases to communicate period. In relationships I believe that this form of communication should happen because it helps those closest to you learn to understand you better and it also reveals to them that you have the confidence to say what you mean and mean what you say without necessarily thinking it through all the time. Confidence is the most beautiful trait a person could ever have and confidence in communication is just as intriguing in a person. Whether it be stringing words together for the sake of poetry, literature, or music; stringing words together has a place in this world and yet it can be some of the most private words we keep to ourselves. To have the bravery to share it with others, even just one truly is a beautiful thing.

It is OKAY to be vulnerable with others as long as you stay true to you.

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