Wednesday, August 13, 2014

First People That Comes To Mind.

I had a feeling that this particular post was going to provoke a series of emotions, memories, and thoughts within my mind of whom I want to spotlight for this particular post. I will put the spotlight this time on two individuals in my life who I hold very near and dear to my heart. Professor Seth Tichenor and Ms. Gad Perez are the Philosophy mentors that have forever changed my life and will always have their footprints set in stone wherever life's journey shall take me from this point on.

Professor Seth Tichenor walked into my life a year ago past June, I had no clue what I was getting myself into with taking his course, all I knew was that I was excited to take a world religions class in the style and setting that I wanted to (which was in a neutral ground on a non private/religious affiliated institution). I struggled SEVERELY in that class and lost most of my self confidence in myself as a writer when I received my midterm back that term. I had just released my first published book the winter before, had a sizable journalism portfolio and promise in my writing. When I received my midterm back I was absolutely heartbroken and crushed at the slicing and dicing that came of my paper by Seth's pen. At first I was shocked, offended, and upset. The more that I would dwell on the outcome of my paper the more I felt like I failed myself, that I had no clue what I was doing, and that perhaps my writing was actually far from good. That paper destroyed my confidence and took all of my attention and distracted me the rest of that class.

It wasn't until Gad coached and mentored me through the rewrite, it wasn't that there was a total transformation but what she taught me to do was the most grandest gift anyone could ever give me; she taught me how to wonder, question, and ask why without seeking a definite answer. She was the person who knocked down that wall in my mind that was built of ignorance and inexperience in life- she introduced me to a whole new playground that I very much enjoyed exploring.

I took an incomplete in Seth's class that summer and I have to tell you it was the best decision I ever made for myself because that meant I had to take his course all over again, only it was through his online course. I tackled that midterm again and the growth that came of it shocked both Seth and Gad and that just became the start of my stronger will and desire to overcome the challenges within myself to write, perform, and be better as a wonderer, a questioner, and feel comfortable inquiring about anything and everything that I don't understand about the world.

These two people have paved the way that was always in my path, I just covered it too much to see it for myself. They have encouraged me day in and day out to step away from the self doubting and just start the doing in everything I struggle with. Reminding me that I am capable of whatever I set my mind to and that it is okay to ask for help, reach out to people who can give me direction, and fail time and time again.

This is just a SNIPPET of what these two individuals have done for me and I couldn't be more thankful for the impact and encouragement they have made in my life. Because of them I'm a better person, student, and future educator.

Together they make an awesome team working hard to bring in more success for their Philosofarian project which the mission of it is to allow anyone and everyone to learn philosophy should they choose to, it's an excellent gift they give to the world! They truly are amazingly beautiful people!

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