One of the most beautiful areas of life is Philosophy. In my opinion nothing comes close or even compares to the role that Philosophy plays in the world, more specifically nothing could ever come close to the influence or impact that it has on a person's life. It is even more beneficial if you have the right philosopher guiding you in the right direction through teaching, time and effort. In my life I was always a thinker, I spent a lot of time by myself so I had no choice but to think and wonder about anything and everything. So because of my natural habit of thinking I felt that the idea of philosophy when I experienced the first basic class that was offered at my college a few years ago, I felt very comfortable and drawn to the world of it. I thought it was a perfect fit for me because of the fact that I had all these thoughts and truly desired them to be carried out into real life or at the very least allow them to make themselves known on paper.
Although I had swam in the shallow end of the philosophical pool in life, I didn't dive in until Summer of 2013 through my World Religions Class. Over the last year almost, I have done nothing but sink and soak into the depths of all that Philosophy is and could be. I haven't even reached the ultimate depths yet and I don't care, I'm still swimming! Philosophy is amazing because it allows you to think about the world differently and it allows you to give certain things thoughts that you would never think you'd experience in your life. It brings a new perception and it provides a new acknowledgement and vision of all things in life. Philosophy is endless and it is thinking in slow motion. It is carefully pinpointing various thoughts and attacking it so that you can truly discover and appreciate it as a whole.
I have been blessed with an amazing Philosophy Professor that I will showcase later in my blog series. But what I will share with you now is that having the right Philosopher guide you, is the perfect key to the doorway of the rest of your life. Philosophy does not take you away from everything you know, nor does it try to strip you of your faith and hopes in whatever you believe in. Philosophy showcases them and it allows you to perceive them in a whole new light that was more beautiful then the perception you had before. Philosophy is beautiful because it is always changing and evolving over time. It allows you to be very careful in your word choosing and how you live your life in a thoughtful way.
Philosophy has it's own thoughts and ideas of what being beautiful is as it pertaining to an event, it's not something that just is and it's not just blonde hair and blue eyes. Being beautiful and being able to identify those beautiful traits in yourself is more beneficial, logical and rational to pinpoint certain events or obstacles you have overcome in life because that is where your true beauty can be discovered. It is because of this belief as into what beauty is that I have approached this blog in the way that I have, because in my opinion people (including myself) gets too caught up in what we are supposed to look like and what clothes we are supposed to wear in order to be beautiful. We need to put an end to that one person and one doubt at a time. We are all beautiful and my hope is that every one of us can find it within our testimonies of life!
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