Friday, February 28, 2014

What is Beauty?

Today I tackle the task of defining what beauty is and what exactly it means to be beautiful. When most use the word, it is very rare that they find themselves knowing what exactly the word means. However, they use it to describe someone or something. We have all used the saying in one way or another, "if you were to look up beautiful in the dictionary, your picture would be right under it". It is because of this natural gimmick nature that I find myself even more confused as into what exactly is beautiful in the first place. On a basic level beauty as a definition is complicated because there are many opinions and perceptions of the word. Some people say that scenery and people that are flawless are what beautiful is but then there are other people who say that flaws are the most beautiful thing in the world. It is because of the complexity of the concept that really makes this series interesting.

To be quite honest I'm not entirely sure what beautiful is anymore. As I sit and reflect on the word it becomes harder to define. However, what I can do is truly take time to observe all things that are usually described as beautiful and see what I get from there. This journey is exciting to me because I hope it allows me to find the beauty within myself and that my readers find the beauty within themselves. So many people strive and struggle to be beautiful and I have a very huge feeling that it shouldn't take much work at all, perhaps it does. Either way I hope for the next long while or so my readers are as anxious and willing to take the journey with me as I am. Beauty is a struggle that shouldn't even exist but it does because so many people influence and alter what the word means and they almost make rules in order to be beautiful.

The idea of beauty and being beautiful is quite the exquisite because of the infinite possibilities it could be. It doesn't matter what lens you look through, beauty is going to be perceived as something different amongst various cultures, thought processes and perceptions. My goal is to touch base on all aspects of beauty and throw in a couple of surprises or two. Hope you enjoy!

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